This depends on whether you live in a community property or an equitable division state. Arizona is a community property state. In Arizona and other community property states, assets and debts the spouses acquired during the marriage will be split evenly if they divorce. The spouses can agree to a division other than community property, but the court will use those principles if the spouses are unable to reach an agreement.
A business that is given to one spouse through gift or inheritance from another family member may be considered separate property, despite the transfer occurring during the marriage.
Even if one spouse owned the business prior to the marriage, the other spouse may have some claim to the business due to an increase in value in a community property state. The other spouse may also have contributed their own efforts and separate property to the business. You should talk to a family law attorney in your area to determine if your business has become commingled with other community assets. Just because a separate asset becomes commingled doesn’t mean that it will be split down the middle, 50/50, like other community assets. The spouses may be assigned a pro rata share based on the other spouse’s contributions, the value of the business before the marriage, etc.
Unless the business is being shut down permanently, it is vital to accurately value the business for property division purposes. The spouses should consider hiring a business evaluator or a forensic accountant to help determine the value of the business. These professionals will review documents like tax returns, financial reports, and profit and loss statements to assign a value to the company.The business may also be compared to similar companies in the area for an approximate value range. Some methods focus more on assets versus liabilities, while others center solely on the actual profit derived from the business. Some jurisdictions place a financial value on a good reputation, and others don’t.
If you believe your family business has significant value, you will most likely need an expert family law attorney to assist in the business valuation process, as well as all other divorce negotiations. It may be necessary to hire expert witnesses for testimony to determine your company’s value. Once the judge agrees to a valuation, the spouses can proceed with their selection of what to do with the business.
There are limited options in how to deal with a family business during a divorce.
These include:
You don’t have to make this decision alone. You should not make this decision without contacting the experienced Divorce Attorneys from My Arizona Lawyers. We offer free consultations and have a variety of payment plans that will work within a budget. Therefore, to learn about your rights, options, and projected outcomes, call (480) 263-1699 for a free consultation with one of our experienced family law lawyers. Our attorneys are driven to achieve the best possible results for our clients, and do so at competitive rates. Additionally. you may qualify for payment plan options- call to find out with your free consultation today!
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