Arizona Family Law Presumptions

division of property and presumption blog

Arizona Family Law Presumptions What is a Presumption? A presumption is a legal conclusion that can be refuted by contrary evidence. In other words, it is an assumption about what is the best outcome for the case. Divorcing spouses may agree to terms in their divorce that are different than Arizona’s presumptions, or specific circumstances … Read more

What Happens to the Family Business in a Divorce?

Divorce involving a family business blog

What Happens to the Family Business in a Divorce? Many people would rather open their own restaurant, salon, or other type of business rather than work for an employer. That’s why many spouses choose to form a family owned business, or a business in which two or more family members have control or majority ownership. … Read more

Preliminary Injunction in Divorce

Preliminary injunction in divorce blog

Preliminary Injunction in Divorce Arizona Divorce Attorneys Address Preliminary Injunctions During a Divorce What is a Preliminary Injunction and How Does it apply to Filing Divorce in Arizona? A preliminary injunction is actually a type of restraining order in the context of Arizona divorce law. The preliminary injunction goes into effect on the spouse who … Read more

Spending Money and Assets Prior to a Divorce

Spending money and assets before a divorce blog

Spending Money and Assets Prior to a Divorce (Thinking About Spending Everything so your Spouse Doesn’t Get Anything in a Divorce?)  Whether it was a surprise or discussed in advance, and whether you’re the one filing the petition or receiving it, divorce is a stressful and painful process. Oftentimes, one or both spouses ends up … Read more

Can I Get Divorced in Arizona During a Pandemic?

Divorce during a pandemic blog

Can I Get Divorced in Arizona During a Pandemic? Without a doubt, 2020 will be known as (hopefully the only) year of coronavirus. To stop the pandemic’s spread, gatherings of 10 or more people have been discouraged and nonessential businesses have been forced to close. Services that remained open have had to operate under strict … Read more