Mesa Child Custody Lawyers
Be Ready For Anything
Child Custody in Mesa, Arizona
Mesa Child Custody Lawyer

Are you in need of child custody assistance in Mesa, Arizona? Our Mesa family attorneys can help. No matter if you are just starting the divorce process or if you have been struggling with your partner for years, our experienced Mesa Family Law Team can offer you the solutions you seek.
You need to make strong decisions about the custody of your children. Determining custody agreements will include answering important questions in your divorce proceedings. My AZ Family Law Lawyers will make sure you have the information to make crucial decisions. Our team will communicate with you the legal process, and we will make sure you feel prepared and confident about your case.
- Who will your children live with full time?
- How often will the noncustodial parent get to see the children?
- What is in the best interest of the child?
You will most likely have to work with your spouse until the divorce is final and an cooperative agreement can be reached concerning child custody. My AZ Family Law Lawyers understand you want to achieve your goals as efficiently and quickly as possible. We are prepared to protect your rights and that of your children. Our Mesa divorce attorneys have experience with negotiating. We are dedicate to winning and will aggressively protect your rights.
Are Arizona courts more likely to award child custody to the father or mother?
Arizona is NOT a “Mother’s State” nor is it a “Father’s State”. The goal of the Mesa Family Law Court is to do what is in the best interest of child or children. Ideally, they will want 50/50 custody if it is what is in the best interest of the child. Several circumstances may come in to play that would change a custody agreement or ruling.
We are living in a society where gender stereotypes are slowing fading. There is no reason to believe that courts are more likely to award custody to the mother or the father. It is important to come up with a parenting plan that meets the child’s needs and is in the child’s best interest.