Modification of Support
Be Ready For Anything
Arizona Modification of Support Attorneys

Our Arizona modification of support lawyers from My Arizona Lawyers advises clients in child support modifications, spousal support modifications, and child support determinations. Child support in Arizona is calculated by taking each parent’s income, the household income of each party, and other pertinent circumstances.
If you’re looking to adjust your child support order, the Arizona family law team at My Arizona Lawyers puts you on the right path. We assist in the process of requesting a modification in child support, parenting time, or spousal support. Our family lawyers know the best ways to achieve a successful modification. Contact our team today and protect your assets.
Modifications either have to be an increase or decrease in what you are paying. Additionally, you can also modify the time that you have custody, depending upon your situation. Regardless, for a successful modification, prove to the court a substantial change in circumstances. In Arizona family law court there must be warrant to grant modifications whether permanent or temporary.
The Existing Child Support Order is unfair, Can I Modify It?
Do I Have to Go to Court to Modify My Child Support?
How Often Can you Modify a Child Support Order?
What is the Standard for Modifying Child Support?
How far back Can I Modify Child Support?
I have a new baby, Can I Modify my Child Support?
My Ex Just Quit His job and now wants to Lower His Child Support Payments, Can He Do That?
What is Considered a Substantial Change in Circumstances?
Can My Child Support be Temporarily Modified While I am Searching for a Job?
Our Current Order Allows My Wife to Claim the Kids on Her Taxes, Can that be Modified?
If I Request a Modification, Can My Child Support Payments Go Up?
Common Reasons for Modifying Support Include:
If there is a substantial cost of living increase.
Especially relevant is an increase (usually 10% or more) in the paying parent’s income.
Equally important is a decrease (usually 10% or more) in the paying parent’s income.
Also, if either party gets remarried.
The needs of the child substantially increase leading to additional medical, educational, or age-related expenses.
Hardship by either party. Be it: Disability, illness, or another financial burden.
Equally important is if the custodial parent loses a job.
One of the parent’s legal responsibility to support the other person changes significantly.
Also, if one of the parent’s does something substantial against the law or egregious towards the safety of the child.

In Arizona, once a party has received a child support order from the Arizona Family Court, the order may be modified but only if certain conditions in the case are met. Generally, a party files a Petition to Modify with the court and requests the change in child or spousal support.
My Arizona Lawyers provides free consultations for parties interested in modification of support issues. If you have questions or issues regarding the modification of support or family court orders, we would be happy to answer your questions and advise you. Call our experienced Arizona family attorneys today.
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