Collaborative Divorce
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Collaborative Divorce Services
What is Collaborative Divorce?
Collaborative Divorce is a process where the parties and their respective lawyers agree to resolve their differences outside of court. This is possible when both parties openly share all of the information needed to resolve their pending issues and agree to work out their differences. The collaborative law process can make legal cases, such as divorce, a more positive experiences for all parties. In fact, many clients actually prefer collaborative divorce for a number of reasons.
Arizona Divorce Attorneys
Our experienced team at My Arizona Lawyers is proud to provide our clients with collaborative divorce and family law services. We wish to help our clients effectively settle their cases in a dignified manner without having to go to court. This can save you a great deal of emotional anguish and stress as you seek a cost-conscious resolution to your family law case. Whether you are dealing with a divorce or child custody matter, collaborative law could be a course of action worth considering. Find out if exploring the collaborative law option might be the best solution for you. Call our Arizona family law team for a free consultation.
Who Should Consider a Collaborative Divorce?
People who should consider collaborative law for their divorce would be people who may have different views on the best way to settle issues like child custody, child support, and property division, but do not necessarily have to go to court to settle their issues. If this is the case for you and your spouse, you should consider a collaborative divorce procedure in Arizona.

The benefits of collaborative divorce are many. Our clients who have opted to utilize this Collaborative Law Process have found that the approach can:
- Cost less than taking your case to court
- Save both Time and Money vs. a traditional divorce
- Provide more privacy than airing your grievances in open court.
- Be more comfortable in and informal setting vs. Arizona Family Court
- Allow you to make your own decisions and remain in control.
- Let you decide now how to handle post-settlement disputes.
- Allow you to negotiate a result that works for you vs. dealing with a possible ruling.
- Help you preserve a relationships with your spouse.
Family Law Lawyers in Pima, Pinal, and Maricopa Counties Offering Collaborative Divorce Counsel
Collaborative divorce can save you time, money, and the stress of litigation. Most importantly, it can allow the parties to work together to reach a solution that is best for everyone involved.
Lastly, if you are interested in settling your family law case with a collaborative divorce approach, our legal team can provide you with these services. We can also review the details of your case to determine if this private alternative is suitable to your needs.
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